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Creek Content

About Creek Content

Laura Creekmore, president of Creek Content
Laura Creekmore

Creek Content wants to save the world from content chaos. We focus on content strategy and information architecture for organizations in highly regulated fields like health care and financial services—places where complex processes and information can quickly muddy your best efforts to communicate clearly.

We speak both tech and marketing, but we live in the no-man’s-land between the two. Creek Content projects include the development and implementation of the content strategy for a private personal health improvement site, and the content development and community engagement strategy for a software company’s customer support community.

Founded in 2009, Creek Content approaches content with a strategic mindset, as well as with tactics that give you the information you need to make wise decisions. We specialize in viewing your content from your customer’s perspective, helping you see and remove the barriers that stall them. Above all, we help you treat your content as a business asset, so that it works harder for you.


About Laura Creekmore


Laura Creekmore has been making tech and content hold hands and play nice for 20 years, since long before she founded Creek Content in 2009. In addition to actively working with content strategy consulting clients, Laura is adjunct faculty in the Kent State University master’s in user experience design program, teaching content strategy.

Laura graduated from Vanderbilt University and earned a master’s degree in information science from the University of Tennessee. She is a member of the Rotary Club of Nashville, and a member of the board of directors for the Association of Junior Leagues International, and the Nashville chapter of the American Marketing Association. She is chair of the board of Nashville Cable, an organization focused on women’s professional advancement.

She speaks and presents workshops on content strategy, content marketing, breaking through a cluttered media landscape, connecting with your audience, public speaking, and nonprofit governance issues.


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