I’m thrilled to announce I’ll facilitate a workshop on creating content structure at the Now What? Workshops, hosted by Blend Interactive.
Register today for the Now What? Workshops and you’ll be able to improve your content skills in several areas:
Creating content structure: This is the workshop I’ll be teaching. We’ll talk about how to find and build in structure to your content, for a more reliable user experience, to simplify content operations, to give you more insights into what your audience needs, and to improve opportunities for analytics.
Digital writing: Brain Traffic senior content strategist Scott Kubie shares tools, apps, tricks, and best practices to improve your digital writing workflow and results.
Accessibility: I love this topic so much. Blend Interactive user experience architect Corey Vilhauer shares his insights into how content creators can improve accessibility for all members of your digital audience.
Customer data and journeys: Here’s a topic we could all spend more time on: Using analytics for insights instead of just numbers. Looking forward to this one from Cossette strategy director Jon Crowley.
These kinds of in-depth workshops have been pivotal to my professional development over the years, and I think they will make a big impact for you if you are responsible for content, marketing, or the customer experience in your organization.
Look forward to seeing you there!