Here are upcoming public events where Laura Creekmore is speaking, or that are of interest to the whole content community.
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End content chaos. Communicate clearly.
Here are upcoming public events where Laura Creekmore is speaking, or that are of interest to the whole content community.
BarCamp Nashville is a free, technology-focused “unconference.” Its mission is to bring together the best minds and entrepreneurs representing organizations involved with Internet technology, new media, software, consulting, and more for knowledge-sharing and networking.
The Summit on Content Marketing is an online conference for individuals and businesses who want to develop a successful content strategy, increase buyer engagement, grow their audience and improve the quality and quantity of leads.
Attend The Summit on Content Marketing from anywhere in the world—without traveling anywhere. More than 100 speakers covering every topic related to content marketing…it’s a great deal!
My session focuses on creating a strategy for your content marketing efforts. We’ll talk about:
One of the best content strategy events, every single year. Brain Traffic’s Kristina Halvorson and the Confab crew always have great speakers, lots of learning, and even more fun on tap.
This fantastic annual conference gives you everything you need to learn about content marketing all in one place, with a few thousand of your closest friends. Laura Creekmore will facilitate a workshop and present a shorter session as well.
This great 3-day intensive workshop conference packs in the learning with lots of fun. Laura Creekmore will facilitate a workshop on the editorial perspective on content structure.
Content Structure: An Editor’s Perspective
Laura Creekmore facilitates a workshop on using content structure to enhance your website, better connect with your audience, and align your content with your business goals.